7 Ways to Get your Kids Out of the House & Enjoying Nature | Harley-Davidson of Asheville


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7 Ways to Get your Kids Out of the House & Enjoying Nature

Our kids are bored, and they’re driving us a little crazy. Yours too? We remember our fun childhoods spent outdoors playing with sticks, riding bikes, and getting dirty for hours. It seems that outside playtime has been replaced with screen time. Too much screen time!

Playing outside is great for our kids and ourselves, and we’re all guilty of spending too much time indoors. Luckily, with a few clever tricks, we can all get back to having a blast playing outside! Let's get out there and make some lasting memories with our kids while they're young and home from school! Here are some great ideas to help our kids enjoy their time outdoors:

  1. Make it a competition or game! If “go play outside” is too open-ended for your child, try giving them some direction or a friendly challenge. Who can catch the most times, get the most goals, or jump rope for the longest? You may even find yourself getting into the action and having some fun as well!
  2. Let your child pick out a new outdoor toy! Whether you’re visiting a local shop or browsing online, letting your child pick their favorite new toy to play with outside gets them interested and invested.
  3. Ride bikes! Biking is a family pastime. Our IRONe bikes are the best way to share your love of riding with your kids! The IRONe Stability Cycles are lightweight, non-intimidating, and fun. Your child can ride for hours, and keep up with the grown-ups with three powered modes and quick change batteries! Take the IRONe's for a ride in the backyard, neighborhood or local park - the kids are sure to have a blast!
  4. Plan a scavenger hunt! Make a small list of items for your child to find on a hike or walk through the neighborhood, then go on an adventure to look for each item! This is a great way to engage with nature and enjoy a low-cost afternoon of fun.
  5. Plant flowers or seeds! If you have a yard, get some free landscaping help! If not, container gardening is easy too. Your child will love to play in the dirt, then they can water their plant and watch their creation grow and bloom!
  6. Set up a tent or fort! Bring some toys and sheets outside, and challenge your child to create a fort with sticks or outdoor furniture. You may be surprised with what they come up with and if they let you hang out inside their new clubhouse!
  7. Decorate with chalk! Spread cheer at a friend’s house or your own. While you may be social distancing and missing loved ones, your child’s drawings could cheer them up each time they look outside! Even if they're not close by, snap a picture and send your child's artwork it their way.

Do you know any other great ways to entertain your kids and get them outside? Let us know, because we could all use some pointers! Hope your family is well and hope to see you soon!